Delicious Cauliflower Crusted Pizza | Gluten & Dairy-Free

Cauliflower seems to be the vegetable of the year, at least around here it certainly has become the one vegetable that we have to have in refrigerator at all times — we mash it, we steam it, we roast it, we fry it like rice, we even turn it into things like risotto…or better yet, we make a pizza out of it! Oh, Cauliflower how we love you — thanks for always being there for us!

While I could go on about just cauliflower itself, this post really is about cauliflower pizza so I will try to stay focused.  To make the pizza is quite simple. The first thing you need to do is make the crust and to that, you need to start by soaking some chia seeds and then while those are soaking you can prepare the rest of your mise en place.

Once the crust is in the oven, you can start to think about your toppings. This collection here is pretty much our go-to combo when it comes to toppings, but feel free to add whichever toppings you like. Just make sure that the ingredients are not too wet, otherwise, the pizza will be soggy — and no one like a soggy pizza!

As a treat, we sometimes top the pizza with big dollops of Kite Hill Chive Cream Cheese but of course, you can either omit the cheese or use your favorite vegan cheese instead.

Here is the link to the full recipe (toppings and all).

While this pizza is not your “typical” bread/gluten-like pizza, it is still really satisfying and you still feel good afterward. Sometimes when we are traveling or if I am making this for a lunch the next day, I will cook the crust, but cut it into smaller individual square pizzas and then package up the toppings and crust separately. Then whenever we want a bite to eat, we simply spread a bit of sauce on the crust, add the toppings and either eat it cold (which is still delicious, just like “regular” pizza) or we heat it up in the oven.

Hope you enjoy!



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